October 24, 2018

How Much Can You Save With Job Order Contracting?

(Part 2 in the JOC series; SEE PART 1 HERE.)

Job Order Contracting (JOC) can not only streamline and simplify your smaller construction projects (download the ), but it can also represent significant savings and ROI.

Cost is a critical consideration in overall repair and construction scenarios. Minimizing costs while ensuring quality work is of utmost importance, but owners of large industrial buildings often face unnecessary costs due to over-complicated relationships with multiple vendors contracted to carry out the work.

Using numerous vendors to handle work around your facility is the industry status quo, but the more vendors you work with, the more complicated your projects can become, adding undue time and expense.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.  from ľƵ simplifies construction services, eliminating the need for a large number of vendors and saving you time and money in the process.

JOC can reduce your vendor base dramatically, offering instant savings with up-front, straightforward cost estimates for agreed upon services. When combined with the time savings of having one vendor for multiple projects, this open-rate book approach could offer significant financial benefits.

What do you stand to save?  to learn:

  • How JOC saves money on smaller repair and maintenance projects throughout your building
  • Where JOC saves time compared to traditional delivery methods
  • How your JOC account manager oversees every project to free your staff to work on other aspects of your business

 also features a detailed comparison of how JOC can save you valuable time and money versus a conventional project method.

Job Order Contracting has tremendous benefits for a wide variety of facility types. To talk with an expert about JOC for your facility, please contact 866.720.2700 or solutions@gorudolphlibbe.com.

Related Resources

  • Cost-Effective, Reliable Industrial Building & Maintenance Services from ľƵ

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